Real Time Strategic Change- An engaging large group conference
Model for involvement
It is possible to involve the organization's managers and employees early in the change project. Even when the strategies ahead are only in the development stage...
Real Time Strategic Change is a conference plan developed to process and refine a proposal for a vision or strategy from the management team to a finished final proposal with high involvement.
In the same way as in the conference format Future Search, a representative, larger subset of the company's different levels and parts are gathered to review, reflect on, discuss and further develop in small groups (and further in the whole group), but with the difference that Real Time Strategic Change from a submitted proposal from the management team.
The conference format is based on the connection
Change = Dissatisfaction * Vision * First step > Resistance
That is, Change is only possible when Dissatisfaction with the present and the Vision of the new and First step towards the new is greater than The resistance to change. The connection thus emphasizes that all three components must be in place in order to be able to bridge the resistance that often becomes strong when change is on the doorstep. The Real Time Strategic Change conference plan is designed to support just this.
Real Time Strategic Change should only be used if the management team wants high involvement from the organization, but can then be an important part of a well-planned involvement work.